Health & Beauty
75 posts
Salon Shampoo Brands Beware: One Small Company Is Turning the Industry on Its Shiny, Luxurious Head
Every woman knows that salon products – especially shampoo and conditioner – are better than mass-produced brands (pretty much anything you buy at a retail store). We can also agree…
Implantable Device Targets Cancer, Other Illnesses with Controlled Long-Term Drug Delivery
A drug-delivery capsule directly implanted into a cancerous tumor (credit: Lyle Hood/UTSA) 5000 nanochannels control release; can deliver medicinal doses for several days or a few weeks, also effective for…
Fast Allergy Relief without Pills?
If you hate swallowing pills, you are not alone. In fact, more than 1 in 10 Americans can’t or struggle to get medications down[1], often just accepting the fact that…
“Grandma, Your Breath Stinks!”
My grandchildren are my pride and joy. One of the charming things about young children is they’ re painfully honest. Months ago, when reading a story to my 4-year-old granddaughter,…
New Hope for Seniors with Bruised, Fragile Skin
During the past 30 years, the average age of my patients has increased significantly. A frequent concern among my senior patients is their fragile skin and its tendency to bruise.…
We Read the Labels of Popular Nutritional Shakes – and Were Horrified
Shouldn’t a nutritional shake – which you drink to improve your health – actually be nutritious? Taking a closer look at the labels of popular brands revealed a darker side…
Music Can Be a Major Key to Therapeutic Healing
Music plays a significant role in nearly everyone’s life, but for some people it represents much more than an invitation to dance or a soundtrack for the morning commute. Researchers…
Government to Smokers: “Keep Lighting Up”
You would think, with as bad as smoking is for your health, that the government would want you to quit smoking now. However, the makers of NicoBloc, an innovative smoking…
Worried About Alzheimer’s? These Tips Can Help Keep your Brain Healthy
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most frightening, yet least understood ailments we face as human beings. The loss of memory – forgetting family, friends and the most important events…
9 Rules of Brain-Healthy Eating
“If you are going to eat right to think right, it is critical to make sure your food is loaded with proper nutrients that your body is able to properly…